Eating a variety of healthy foods helps us maintain good health and protect against chronic diseases. A balanced diet means eating a variety of foods in the recommended amounts from each of the 5 food groups each day. Eating healthy doesn't mean giving up our favorite recipes. A few simple swaps and a little planning can help us make lifelong, healthy changes to our diet. Healthy food is as tasty as it is nutritious - a feast for the senses as well as good for the body. The Healthy Eating Plate is an excellent guide to creating healthy, balanced meals, and cooking is a great way to experiment with new flavors. Our recipes for home cooking - for yourself or your friends and family - as well as recipes for greater health protection. To get you started, we provide helpful tips on how to prepare a healthy meal
Our expert nutritionists provide a variety of healthy and delicious recipes along with meal plans:
Nutritionists Dhaka Tel. +8801912013696 (WhatsAPP)
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